Q. What is the average cost to replace your septic system?
A. The price varies, a typical replacement can cost from $3,000 to $5,000, depending on the size and the difficulty of the job. The larger the home, the higher the cost may be. For homes with five or more bedrooms, the cost can range from $15,000 to $25,000 since these homes require a larger tank.
Q. How many years does a septic system last?
A. If maintained properly, a concrete septic tank systems can last as long as 40 years.
Q. What does it mean when a septic system fails?
A. You system is considered to be failing if it fails to treat distributed wastewater effectively, and does not prevent nutrient contamination and prevent biological organism for enter you useable and consumable water.
more information about or residential or commercial septic tank services
contact us at 843-757-1318
Proudly Serving Beaufort & Jasper County, South Carolina for over 45 years.